For many years now, skateboards have never been just for transportation. Doing stunts and tricks is one of the main reasons why owners love their boards. These can range from very simple ones to really scary and complicated moves that will wow other people.
Recently, a new version skateboard came out, which is an electric version. Electric skateboards still have the same form (though the size might be a bit different) as the original one, but the addition of the motor means riding it will not be 100% the same. For example, the non-electric version will rely on your legs or feet to propel the board initially, but with the newer models, you do not need to push all.
Here are some other differences between the traditional and the electric skateboard that makes it better for doing stunts.
1. Speed Control
A huge difference is the existence of a remote control that will dictate your speed, allowing you to go faster or slower easily. Because some of these stunts require acceleration, having an electric motor will cover this part of the equation. With your remote control, you can more easily reach the specific speed you need to demonstrate a new skill. Beyond this, the existence of the motor will also make it possible to reach necessary speeds to do a stunt.
2. Stopping
Braking is also a breeze since you would no longer have to do so by dragging your foot or sliding. It is completely possible, with an electric skateboard to be able to stop smoothly and without being thrown off.
3. Weight
With the addition of the motor and electrical parts, you can expect the board to be a bit heavier. Although this might not work out well in some stunts, there are also some tricks that might be easier if you have additional weight.
4. Different Modes
The chance to control speed and start at a beginner mode is always perfect for those who are still getting used to riding an electric skateboard. With more control over brakes, it is possible to do more complicated stunts that might require a good balance of acceleration and deceleration.
The main reason why stunts are better on an electric skateboard is the power. Experienced skateboarders might be surprised at the beginning at how much faster they can go. The complete ease of making the board faster and the higher overall speeds it can achieve has also made it riskier than the non-motorized version. This is why it is important to invest in a full set of safety gear. Maybe you will never get into an accident, but being safe is better than being sorry.
Beyond being able to perform more complicated tricks or stunts more easily, an electric skateboard can outperform the traditional one in other ways. They are simply faster and will require less effort from you. You can simply go longer and faster, even being able to go uphill! So whether you are a newbie or an experienced skateboarder, experience the next-level of stunts and tricks with your own electric skateboard.